15 Blue Birds With Orange Chests in 2025 (ID & Picture)

Blue Birds With Orange Chests

Blue Birds with orange chests look so nice. Those types of birds are small but some are big. For example, Eastern Bluebirds and Western Bluebird and Common Kingfishers are small birds. Rainbow Lorikeet is a little bit big than other blue and orange birds. 

However, in this article, we shared the most beautiful 15 blue birds with orange chests. We also shared more information about those types of birds such as food habits, size, weight, and more. 

If you see orange and blue mix colour birds, you can simply identify them to see their characteristic.  Let’s get started… 

Eastern Bluebird

Eastern Bluebird is a member of the Turdidae family. It is a small blue bird with an orange chest. Eastern Bluebird wings are deep blue above and breasts are orange-brown. 

Male and females color are a little bit different. Females’ wings and tails are bluish and breasts are orange-brown. Males are also blue and orange but often look plain grey-brown from a distance. 

Adult Eastern bluebirds measure about 16–21 cm long and average weight of 30 g. Its wings size is 25–32 cm. It is a type of small blue and orange bird family. 

Eastern Bluebirds like to eat insects, grasshoppers, berries, beetles and many others. Mainly it eats insects and berries, especially in winter. 

Eastern Bluebirds are found in the area in North America, and South America as far as Nicaragua. Typically these birds live in the forest.

Western Bluebird 

Western Bluebird is a member of the Turdidae family. It is a small blue and orange bird-like Eastern Bluebird. Western Bluebirds and Eastern Bluebirds look like same but they are different types of birds. 

When you compare once each other then you can identify the differences between them. 

Western Bluebird wings, head and neck are blue and chest are orange. Females and males are slightly different colours as males’ wings are vibrant blue and females’ wings are grey-blue. 

Adult Western Bluebirds measure around 17 cm and average weight of 26 g. It is a small stocky bird with orange breasts. 

Western Bluebirds like to eat insects, berries, grasshoppers, caterpillars and other insects. Waster Bluebirds and Easter Bluebirds’ food habits are the same.

 Barn Swallow

The Barn Swallow is a member of the Hirundinidae family. Its upperparts are blue and its breast closely orange. It is a small bird and it has a long tail. 

Adult females and males are the same colour. Depending on the season and stated colour may little bit different. 

Adult Barn Swallow measures around 18 cm and average weight of 20 g. It has a wingspan of 32–34.5 long. 

Mostly the Barn Swallow like to eat insects such as beetles, wasps, winged ants, wild bees and true bugs. 

Barn Swallows were seen throughout South America, Africa, and southern Asia. It also sees in Australia. Typically, it lives in the forest and makes a nest in the tree. It also includes a blue bird with a black head

Common Kingfisher

The Common Kingfisher is a member of Alcedinidae and it is also known as the Eurasian kingfisher. It is a small bird with an orange chest.

It looks like so an awesome bird among the small birds. Its wings are deep blue and its beak is orange. Females and males common Kingfishers are the same colour. 

Adult Common Kingfishers measure around 20 to 25 cm and average weight of 31 g. 

It likes to eat small fish. For this, it lives in nearby of rivers, ponds, and canals. It makes a nest in the ground. It also likes to eat chiefly minnows and sticklebacks. 

Common Kingfisher is found across Eurasia and North Africa. It also sees in Australia and other countries. 

Common Redstart

The Common Redstart is a member of the Muscicapidae family. It is a small passerine blue bird with an orange chest. 

Male Redstar wings and tail is blue and the chest is orange and Female wings are grey. Female breasts are a little bit of yellow and orange mix. 

Adult Common Redstart measures 13-14 cm long and weighs 11 to 23 g. 

Common Redstarts like to eat insects such as beetles, wasps, winged ants, wild bees and true bugs. 

Red-breasted Nuthatch

The red-breasted nuthatch is a member of the Sittidae family and is also known as a small songbird. It is one of the small blue birds with orange chests. 

Adult Red-breasted Nuthatch upperparts are blue-grey with cinnamon and a white throat.  

Adult Red-breasted Nuthatch measures around 11 cm in length and has an average weight of 10 g. Its wings size is around 22 cm.  

Red-breasted Nuthatch mostly likes to eat insects, especially spiders during the summer. It also eats seeds in diet may vary from zero in summer to more than 60% in winter.

Lazuli Bunting 

The Lazuli bunting is one of the most beautiful birds among the small birds. It is a member of the Cardinalidae family. It is found in North America. 

Lazuli Bunting’s head and tail are blue and the wing is grey with white. It is a type of bluebird but its chest is Light orange. Its beaks are black.

We add this bird to the section of bluebirds with orange chests because it looks beautiful in blue and orange colours. 

Adult Lazuli Bunting measures around 13-14 cm long and weighs 11 to 23 g. and wing size is around  6.4 cm to 7.3 cm long.

Varied thrush

Varied thrush is a blue bird with an orange chest. Its upperparts are dark blue-grey and orange chest. In the breast, it has a black line and an orange line in the eye area. 

Females and males are the same patterns but females are a little bit more grey-brown than males. 

Its wing is mixed with blue and orange. Its wing looks black In the distance but it is not back, it is a dark blue-grey. 

Adult Varied Thrush measures from 20 to 26 cm long and weighs around 65 to 100 g. Its wing size is 34 to 42 cm long. 

Varied Thrush mostly eats insects and spiders. It also likes fruit and berries. 

Blue Rock Thrush 

The Blue Rock Thrush is a member of the Muscicapidae family. Female Blue Rock Thush is completely blue. The male all body is blue without a chest. 

Its chest is orange in colour and the head is blue. Its wing is dark grey-blue. It is the median size among the small size birds.  

Blue Rock Thrush is found in Europe, Northwest Africa, and Central Asia. In other countries also see it but very little. 

Adult Blue Rock Thrush measures from 21–23 cm long and average weight of 54 g.

 Blue Rock Thrush likes to eat insects and spiders. It also likes fruit and berries. You also may about Birds With An Orange Chest.

Tickell’s Blue Flycatcher

Tickell’s blue flycatcher is a small bird with an orange chest. It looks like a little bit common kingfisher. It is a member of the Muscicapidae family.

Tickell’s blue flycatcher upparpart is completely blue and the chest is orange. Typically, its chest is mixed with orange and white.

Adult Tickell’s blue flycatcher measure from 11to 12 cm long and average weight of 10 g.

It mostly eats insects like a spider, termites and earwigs. It also likes small soft fruit.

Rainbow Lorikeet

The Rainbow Lorikeet big bird among the bluebirds with an orange chest. It is a mix of three colours (Orage, Blue and green).

Its wing is green and its chest is orange. Its head is blue and its beak bright red. It is a member of the Psittaculidae family.

The Rainbow Lorikeet is found across Northern and Eastern Australia, Western Australia, and South Asia.

Adult Rainbow lorikeet measures from 26 to 31cm long and average weight of 120g.

Common Chaffinch

The common chaffinch is a member of the Fringillidae family and it is a median size among this category’s birds.

Its head is blue and its upperpart is orange and the wing is mixed with black and white. Its eye is also orange.

Adult common chaffinch measures around 15 cm long and weighs from 18 to 29 g. It wingspan 24.5–28.5 cm long.

The Common Chaffinch mostly eat seeds, buds, shoots, fruit and insects. It also eats spiders, earthworms, snails eggs and other small insects.

The Common Chaffinch is found in Europe, Northwestern Asia, and Northwest Africa.

Hill Blue Flycatcher

Hill Blue Flycatcher is one of the pretty nice birds among the Blue Birds with orange chests. It is a small bird. Its upperparts are completely blue and its breast parts are orange. 

Females and males look are same. Females’ chest is orange with a little bit of white and males’ chest is orange. 

Adult Hill Blue Flycatchers measure from 14 to 15 cm long and average weight of 15 g.

Hill Blue Flycatchers mostly eat insects, spiders, and flying small other insects. It searches for food in the tree and makes a nest in the tree.

Taiwan Vivid Niltava

Taiwan Vivid Niltava is a member of Muscicapidae. It is a small bird with orange breasts. Its wings are completely blue and its chest is orang.

Taiwan Vivid Niltava and Hill Blue Flycatcher look are same but they are different classes.

Adult Taiwan Vivid Niltava measure from 14 to 15 cm long and average weight of 15 g.

Taiwan Vivid Niltava mostly eats insects, spiders, and flying small other insects. It searches for food in the tree and makes a nest in the tree.

Belted Kingfisher

Blue Birds With Orange Chests
Blue Birds With Orange Chests

Belted Kingfisher

The Belted Kingfisher is a large bird among the water kingfisher. It so a beautiful bird among the other Kingfisher.

Belted Kingfishers’ upper parts are Blue-gray and chase has a line of orange. It has a white line on the throat.

Adult Belted Kingfishers measure around 30 cm and have an average weight of 150 g.

It likes to eat small fish. For this, it lives in nearby of rivers, ponds, and canals. It makes a nest in the ground. It also likes to eat chiefly minnows and sticklebacks. 

Belted Kingfishers are found across Eurasia and North Africa. It also sees in Australia and other countries.