
Blue Swedish Duckling Male Vs Female (7 Differences)

Blue Swedish Duckling Male Vs Female

Sometimes, we can not identify male and female ducks. Are you ready to learn about the blue Swedish duck’s gender? Here we dicoverd 7 keydiffernce beteween mail and femail. 

Differences Between Blue Swedish Duckling Male vs Female

Here are seven differences between Blue Swedish Duckling Males and Females :

CharacteristicsBlue Swedish Duckling MaleBlue Swedish Duckling Female
Size larger Generally smaller than male
Feather Color and PatternMore iridescent blue and white feathersMore brownish-gray feathers with less iridescence
Bill and Head ShapeLarger and more rounded bill with a flatter headSmaller and more pointed bill with a rounder head
VocalizationLouder and more frequent quackingQuieter and less frequent quacking
Nesting and BroodingNot involved in nesting or broodingInvolved in nesting and brooding behavior

It’s important to note that these differences can vary from individual to individual Swedish duck. 

Color Differences

blue swedish duck
Blue Swedish duck

As the ducklings grow, the males display blue-black plumage, while the females display greyish-blue. These colour disparities become even more pronounced as they reach adulthood.

Size Differences

Even as ducklings, male Blue Swedish ducklings are slightly bigger than females. This size difference continues into adulthood, with males reaching around 8 lbs while females stay closer to 6 lbs.

Physical Differences

There are no reliable physical differences between them. After 4-6 months, you can identify them by colour. 

Behavior Differences Between them

blue swedish ducklings male or female
Blue Swedish ducklings male or female

Certainly, here’s a table outlining the behavioral differences between male and female Blue Swedish Ducklings:

BehaviorMale Blue Swedish DucklingFemale Blue Swedish Duckling
VocalizationMore vocal, tends to quack more frequentlyLess vocal, quieter than males
Activity LevelMore active, playful, and energeticLess active, calmer than males
AggressionMay exhibit some aggressive tendencies towards other ducklingsLess aggressive, more docile than males

Please note that these are general tendencies and individual ducklings may vary.

Blue Swedish Ducks Gender Identification

Blue Swedish Ducks Gender Identification
Blue Swedish Ducks Gender Identification

Here’s a 5-step process for identifying Blue Swedish Duck gender :

  1. Check Age: Reliable at 8+ weeks.
  2. Observe Curl Tail Feathers: Males develop curls.
  3. Feel Voice Box: Males have a bump.
  4. Watch Mounting Behavior: Males mount other ducklings.
  5. Consult Expert: If unsure, seek the breeder’s help.

Check Our Previous Article

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Blue Swedish duckling sexing is tricky. Males tend to be bigger. Act more playful, and quack more. But wait! These signs aren’t reliable until around 8 weeks old.

FAQ About Blue Swedish Ducks

Yes, Blue Swedish ducks are generally considered friendly ducks! They are known for being calm, docile, and even enjoy human interaction.
Yes, Blue Swedish ducks are considered a rare breed.