5 Black and White Birds With Red Chests (ID with Photos)

Black and White Birds With Red Chest

As a passionate birdwatcher, I have had the incredible opportunity to explore the vibrant world of avian species. One particular aspect that has always fascinated me is the striking contrast between black and white plumage, adorned with a vibrant red chest. These elegant birds effortlessly capture attention with their eye-catching colors, bringing a touch of beauty to the natural landscapes they inhabit.

Among the countless species I have encountered, I would like to highlight five remarkable birds that exhibit this captivating combination of colors. Each one possesses its unique characteristics and charm, making them a joy to observe in the wild.

Black and White Birds With Red Chest

There are five black and white birds with red chests such as Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, Scarlet Robin, Painted Redstart, American Robin, and Red-Headed Woodpecker. Each of these birds possesses its own charm and allure, leaving a lasting impression on anyone fortunate enough to encounter them in the wild. So, let us delve into the fascinating world of these black and white birds with their fiery red chests, and discover the enchantment they bring to the realm of avian beauty.

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak is a type of black and white bird with red chest

The Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, one of the black and white bird with a red chest, is a truly captivating species. Its color pattern is unmistakable, with males boasting a jet-black head, back, and wings, contrasted by a pure white underbelly. The defining feature of this bird is, of course, its vibrant rose-red chest, which stands out prominently against the monochromatic backdrop. In terms of size, these grosbeaks measure around 7 to 8 inches in length, making them medium-sized birds.

When it comes to nesting, Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks prefer to build their nests in the dense foliage of deciduous trees, particularly those with a thick canopy. Their nests are typically cup-shaped and made from twigs, grasses, and leaves, lined with finer materials such as moss and hair.

In terms of appearance, the males and females of this species exhibit sexual dimorphism. While the males showcase the striking black, white, and red coloration, females have a more subdued appearance, with brown and white feathers. Their beaks are large and conical, which helps them crack open seeds and consume a variety of fruits, insects, and berries. This diverse diet provides them with the necessary nutrients to thrive.

Scarlet Robin

Scarlet robin is a type of black and white bird with red chest

The Scarlet Robin, another member of the black and white bird with a red chest, is a small yet striking species found in Australia. Its color pattern is simply breathtaking, with a jet-black head, wings, and back, contrasting beautifully with a pure white underbelly. The standout feature of this bird is its vibrant scarlet-red chest, which instantly captures attention.

In terms of size, the Scarlet Robin measures around 4.7 to 5.5 inches in length, making it a small-sized bird. Despite its small stature, its bold colors make it easily noticeable in its natural habitat.

When it comes to nesting, Scarlet Robins prefer to build their nests in tree hollows, crevices, or among dense shrubs and ferns. Their nests are typically cup-shaped and constructed from twigs, leaves, and moss, often lined with feathers or other soft materials for added comfort.

The Scarlet Robin is a remarkable addition to the group of black and white birds with a red chest. Its stunning color pattern, small size, nesting habits, appearance, insect-based diet, and average lifespan contribute to its uniqueness and appeal. Spotting this vibrant bird amidst the Australian landscape is an awe-inspiring experience that showcases the beauty and diversity of avian species in different regions of the world.

Painted Redstart

painted redstart is a type of black and white bird with red chest

The Painted Redstart, a captivating black and white bird with a red chest, is a species known for its vibrant and striking appearance. Its color pattern consists of a glossy black head, back, and wings, contrasted by a clean white underbelly. The most eye-catching feature is the bold red patch on its breast, which adds a splash of vivid color to its overall appearance.

The Painted Redstart measures approximately 5.5 to 6 inches in length, making it a small-sized bird. Despite its petite stature, its energetic behavior and contrasting colors make it easily distinguishable in its natural habitat.

When it comes to nesting, the Painted Redstart typically builds its nest in the upper branches of trees, usually in areas with dense foliage. The nest is cup-shaped and made from a combination of grasses, plant fibers, and moss, lined with softer materials like feathers and hair.

The Painted Redstart primarily feeds on insects. It is known for its agile and acrobatic foraging techniques, hopping and fluttering among branches and foliage to catch prey such as beetles, flies, caterpillars, and spiders. This bird’s ability to maneuver through vegetation with grace and precision allows it to capture its food efficiently.

The Painted Redstart is a remarkable black and white bird with a red chest that stands out with its contrasting colors. Its glossy black, white, and red color pattern, small size, nesting habits, and insect-based diet contribute to its unique characteristics. Spotting this lively and beautiful bird amidst the trees and foliage is a delightful experience for bird enthusiasts and nature lovers, showcasing the wonders of avian diversity.

American Robin

American Robin  is a type of black and white bird with red chest

The American Robin, a well-known and widespread bird in North America, features a color pattern that includes a black head, back, and wings, complemented by a rich reddish-orange chest. While not strictly black and white, the American Robin’s vibrant chest adds a touch of red to its overall appearance.

The American Robin is a medium-sized bird, measuring around 9 to 11 inches in length. Its robust build and distinct coloration make it easily recognizable, even from a distance.

American Robins are known for building their nests in a variety of locations, including trees, shrubs, and even man-made structures such as eaves and ledges. Their nests are made from a combination of twigs, grasses, and mud, and lined with finer materials such as grass or feathers.

American Robins have an omnivorous appetite. While they primarily feed on earthworms, they also consume a wide range of insects, fruits, berries, and occasionally even small reptiles or amphibians.

Red-Headed Woodpecker

Black And White Bird With Red Head and chest
Black And White Bird With Red Chest

The Red-Headed Woodpecker is a captivating black and white bird with a vibrant touch of red on its head. Its color pattern consists of a solid black back, wings, and tail, contrasting with a clean white underbelly. The most distinctive feature is its striking crimson-red head, which sets it apart from other woodpecker species.

The Red-Headed Woodpecker is a medium-sized bird, measuring approximately 7 to 9 inches in length. Its robust build and bold coloration make it easily recognizable, particularly when in flight or perched on tree trunks.

Red-Headed Woodpeckers usually excavate their nesting cavities in dead or decaying trees. These cavities serve as their shelter and provide protection for their eggs and nestlings. They are skilled at drumming and excavating wood, using their strong bills to create their nesting sites.

The Red-Headed Woodpecker is omnivorous. It feeds on a diverse range of food, including insects, larvae, nuts, seeds, berries, and fruits. They are adept at catching insects on the wing, but they also glean and peck at tree trunks to extract insects or access hidden food sources.


What bird is black with a red heart chest?

The bird that is black with a red heart chest is the Black-Backed Woodpecker (Picoides arcticus). It is a species found in North America, particularly in boreal forests.

What is a small black and white bird with red on the Breast?

A small black and white bird with red on the breast is the Red-Breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis). It has a black crown and eye stripe, a white face and underparts, and a reddish-orange breast.

How rare is a rose-breasted grosbeak?

The Rose-Breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus) is not considered rare. It is a relatively common bird species, particularly in its breeding range across eastern and central North America. However, its population density can vary in different regions and habitats.

What does a female red-breasted grosbeak look like?

The female Red-Breasted Grosbeak has a different appearance compared to the male. She has a predominantly light brown or tan plumage with streaks or speckles of darker brown. Her underparts are paler, and she lacks the vibrant red chest seen in the male. The female’s coloring helps her blend into her surroundings and provides camouflage while she tends to nesting duties.


The world of black and white birds with red chests is a captivating realm filled with beauty and diversity. From the elegant Rose-Breasted Grosbeak to the striking Scarlet Robin, the lively Painted Redstart to the familiar American Robin, and the impressive Red-Headed Woodpecker, each species leaves a lasting impression with its unique color patterns, sizes, nesting habits, and diets. These birds showcase the intricate wonders of nature and remind us of the remarkable variety found in avian life.